Family Law is Broken


Due to perverse financial incentives for the custodial parent and the states, our system is now designed to foster conflict between parents, and encourages a winner take all mentality. Please support shared parenting and child support reform.


Because children need both parents.


Title IV-D is a federal program that reimburses states 66% of what they collect in support actions regardless of expense. The funding then goes to the state, not the children.

The state then uses this money for pet projects and budget shortfalls. Judges and politicians are encouraged to maximize collections. These same judges are then responsible for custody decisions. Without set limits on reasonable support, the amounts have inflated to unsustainable levels. This has led to bankruptcy, incarceration, and high rates of suicide among divorced non-custodial parents.

Non-custodial parents are relegated to the provider role and given limited access to the children. Penalties for the custodial parents not following the orders are rarely enforced. PA HB-1397, which offers a rebuttable presumption of 50/50 custody has currently been stalled by the Judiciary Committee preventing meaningful reform. The attorneys profiting from the system have been the largest roadblock.

Shared parenting is not new, it has been shown to be the best option for our children. Those who grow up in fatherless homes are shown to have more truancy, substance abuse issues, and poorer educational outcomes. This is science and is supported by psychologists.

In nearly all situations an attorney (referee/master/judge) is the one who determines custody. Not a psychologist, not a social worker. Attorneys profit heavily from divorces. They are not able to make decisions free of bias. This system needs reform. Shared parenting should be the norm absent proven disqualifying factors. Often times it is only after separation that baseless allegations come to light and used as leverage on the other parties.

The shared parenting movement is for our children. Children don’t need one perfect parent, they need two loving, even if imperfect parents. The failure of a relationship should not mean the alienation of a parent. The current opposition is heavily funded by profits from the divorce industry. We need you and all those who have been affected by this issue to speak up and make your voice heard.

Please go to our support page and donate to one or more of the organizations. We have worked hard to ensure that these are honest and active people who have our children’s best interests at heart. Please purchase our t-shirt to help spread awareness. All proceeds go to the aforementioned organizations.

To learn more about how this system came to be and the forces behind it, please visit It is a a well researched (and free full text web version) book/resource that gives the historical context and reasons why we have the system.